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Hello & Welcome this is your Apply IAS, started using your rights, great that means you started in utilizing it. If you are familiar with the parts of the constitution its good to go but if not please check my post on "CONSTITUTION OF INDIA(AN INTRO)". All right, In this article, our farmers of the constitution help the citizen free from forced labour, child labour etc. And if your employee force you finish the work in the late night against your will, then this article will be in handy, Use it at your will.

Article 23: Prohibition of  Traffic in Human Beings and Forced Labour.

Article 24: Prohibition of Employment of Children in Factories etc,

Article 23: Prohibition of  Traffic in Human Beings and Forced Labour.

This article prevents traffic in human beings. This law is applicable for both citizen of India and also Non-citizen(Foreigners).

Human Traffic means any kind of forced labour, bonded labour, compulsory work without remuneration, selling and buying of women and children, immoral traffic of women and children including a prostitute, devadasis.

The following acts were made to get the article came to life such as Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,1956. The bonded labour system(Abolition) Act, 1976, The minimum wages act 1948, Equal Remuneration act, 1976, The Contract Labour act, 1970.

Article 24: Prohibition of Employment of Children in Factories etc,

This article target prevents the children below or up to the age of 14 as slaves or workers in any business concern if any person found guilty of employing a child will be given a penalty of 20K to 50K Indian Rupees with 6 months to 2 years imprisonment. If this is related the imprisonment for the next time will be up to 1 to 3 years.

So when you saw a child in a shop forced to do work let the child and his family know that its the child right to free education up to the age of 14 and working is a crime. Share it your one share can save a child life and education. Subscribe to stay updated.
