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Hello & Welcome, This is your “APPLY IAS”, I believe you are familiar with the Parts of the Constitution, Please if you are not familiar with the parts of the constitution please visit my previous post “CONSTITUTION OF INDIA (AN INTRO)” for better understanding. Let's see This Right is the “Weighting balance of INDIA” it ensures its citizen with all equal right whether he/she is from a very right background or else from a poor background it ensures the citizen the status of equality.

The article that comes under this were as follows:

Article 14: Equality before Law
Article 15: Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of Religion, race, caste, Sex or place of birth.
Article 16: Equality of opportunity in grounds of Pubilc employment.
Article 17: Abolition of Untouchability and prohibition of its practice.
Article 18: Abolition of titles except in military and academic purpose.

Article 14: Equality before Law

This law insists that everybody will be treated as equal before law while giving judgement or else in the investigation and so on. You would say that what the purpose of it at present in India this is not happening. This is not happening Because we are not aware of the rights we have while engaging in the cases and so on. It will happen if you apply it until it won’t happen. Let’s take an example you are buying an ice-cream from a shop he is selling the ice-cream more than the MRP. You can only get the true price only if you know about the MRP and have the courage to question him. Like the same, you should ask for your right.

Article 15: Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of Religion, race, caste, Sex or place of birth.

This article prevents the discrimination of the people on the grounds of religion, race, sex and place of birth anyone overrides this article he will be felt guilty and serious punishments will be awarded.

Article 16: Equality of opportunity in grounds of Pubilc employment.

Under this article, equal opportunity needs to be given to all of its citizens, especially in government employment.

Article 17: Abolition of Untouchability and prohibition of its practice.

“Untouchability is a Sin” in India mostly they were eradicated. If something happening in your nearby places tell them this is a crime and you will be awarded imprisonment for the guilty person.

Article 18: Abolition of titles except in military and academic purpose.

The titles are given to the landlords like “Zamindars” just creates an imbalance in the equality in the society. To overcome it, our constitution adopted this article to prevent the use of titles except in the military and academic purpose.

The above were sounds difficult right, to make it easier, lets us consider you filed a case against a millionaire who is your employer, he didn’t give you the salary for past two months but giving salary for others. Even you asked him he didn’t reply properly, so you filled a case. Soon the hearing day, both you and your employee were standing in the court in 14.equal height in front of the law. During the hearing the advocate unconsciously told the employer’ 15.caste name with his real name. The judge warned him and to correct the mistake. The hearing is over and the judgement is given in favour of you. When you leaving the court you notice that it was about 16.Government job related to the reservation. When you came out some people were beating a person for entering into a temple. When you asked why he replied he is a “Dalit” he is a 17.Untouchable person. Then your reply to them that their action is a crime and the “18. Titles” were abolished by our constitution if you are doing it again your imprisonment will be confirmed. So, if any of the untouchability were practised please let them know that there is a provision to eradicate them. Let them know and yet they live their life with peace and dignity and equality.share if your friends because they also have the same rights as we are. Subscribe to get updated.
