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Banking Terms

  1. Repo Rate  -  This is the interest rate a which the RBI lends money to other banks
  2. Reverse Repo Rate - This is the Interest rate a which the RBI get from the bank when they get loans from other banks
  3. Cash Reserve Ratio( CRR) - This is the percentage of the Banks Capital that needs to be kept with the RBI as cash by the other bank, this is checked on a daily basis by the RBI if this cash is not maintained RBI has the power to cancel the License of this banks 
  4. Statutory Liquidity Ratio(SLR) - It is the part of the customer's money that needs to be kept in the RBI to safeguard the Customers Money if the Bank gets Bankrupt or in any other issues
  5. Bank Rate - Banks rates were not currently on use but they are used in the penalty for the banks if they are not maintaining the CRR. If they did not maintain CRR then a penalty of 3% above the Bank rate per annum will be recovered from the bank by RBI.
  6. Open Market Operation -  It is the issue of the Bonds by the RBI for the cash.
  7. Liquidity Adjustment Facility - It is the Facility given for the banks to park more money in RBI.
  8. Marginal Standing Facility -It is the facility given by the RBI to borrow money in case of emergency up to 2.5% of the Net Demand and Time Liabilities(NDTL).
  9. Net Demand and Time Liabilities -  Simply the Customers money that safeguarded by the RBI (SLR).
