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Image Source: Women's web
Hello & welcome, This is your apply IAS, raising a girl child is not that much of an easy task. Women play a vital role in each and every aspect of society and the human race can't survive without them. Yesterday, I just came across the census on the Male-Female Sex ratio. I just heartbroken, each and every year nearly 5,00,000 illegal female foeticide was happening every year in India. The sex ratio was normal before 1960, but after the ultrasonic methods, this was risen up. Now, at present, the sex ratio of India became  943 female for 1000 males. That means that 943 couples will be there and the remaining 57 males left unmarried. This leads to crimes against women like harassment etc because the 57 males became vulnerable. The female foeticide not only affects the present generation but also the future generation also. The child sex ratio in the 2011 census is 106 mals for 100 females.
Image Source: Wikipedia
The child sex ratio is decreasing which is a good sign but that need to be further improved. The main reason for female foeticide is because of the "Dowry" system etc. Government of India had just made so many provision for raising the girl child. The most important thing in a girl child life is her education and her marriage. To support these, The above schemes "SUKANYA SAMRIDDHI YOJANA". This scheme allows opening an account in any nationalized bank in the name of a girl child with the respective proof at an interest rate of 8.5 %. This account has a maturity period of 21 years after this no interest will be paid for the account. The guardian/parent of the female child can open it during her young age. Once the child attains 18 years of age she can terminate the account for her marriage or for her education if she needs it.

Eagle Points of the scheme:

The child must be 10 years or below.

The maturity period will be 21years from the date of opening

The Initial amount will be 1000 now 250 then multiple of 100 

Image source : Wikipedia
Maximum amount 1,50,000

Interest rate of 8.5%

Can be opened in any post office or any nationalized bank.

If somebody near you has a girl child go and spread them about the "SUKANYA SAMIRDDHI YOJANA". Share them, your one share can save a girls child and her marriage. subscribe to get updated.
