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Hello, & Welcome, This is your apply IAS, if you are not familiar with the constitution of India please go and visit my Previous post "Constitution of India(An Intro)" for better understanding. In this article, we are going to see what are the freedom that was given by our constitution in the extent of religion. Let's see,

Article 26: Right to freedom of Religious Conscience, Profess,  Practice  and  Propagate
Article 27: Right to Freedom of Religious Institution
Article 28: Freedom from Taxation for the Promotion of Religion.
Article 29: Freedom from following of Religious Instruction

Article 26: Right to freedom of Religious Conscience, Profess,  Practice  and  Propagate

This article gives four freedom such as

Freedom of Conscience: Every person has the right to have their own Inner freedom of the way he needs to connect with God and other creatures on their without violating the laws.

Freedom to Profess: Every person has the right to declare his inner belief.

Freedom of Practice: Each person has given the right to practice their own way of religion.

Freedom of Propagate: Every Person ( both citizen & Non-Citizen of India) has the right to propagate the moral and faith of their religion to others but they have no right to convert them to their religion by force.

Article 27: Right to Freedom of Religious Institution

This article gives the freedom for the religious denominations in  the following ways:

The Denomination has the right to form education institutions and religious institution.
The Denomination has the right to deal with religious affairs,
Has the right to acquire Movable and immovable property,
Has the Right to administer the Property owned by them.

But, to declare that as an Organization they need to possess the following qualities below:

It needs to be a group of People.
The denomination should be an organization.
It should have a specific name (Ex: Ramakrishna Mission)

Article 28: Freedom from Taxation for the Promotion of Religion.

The Religions Institution(like Trust) no need to pay the taxes, they are freed from paying taxes but not form the fee. They need to pay the basic fee.

Article 29: Freedom from following of Religious Instruction

No Religious Instruction will be given by the institution wholly maintained by the State. The Religious Institutions were classified into four like the following

a. Religious Institutions Wholly Maintained by the state
b. Religious Institutions maintained by state but funded by the trust
c. Religious Institution recognized by the stated. Religious Institution receiving aid from the state.

In a) Religious Instruction is fully prohibited. In b) it is permitted. And in c) & d) it is on a voluntary basis.

If you have an Idea of starting your own Trust and helping the development of the society, just start it without paying the taxes. Share it with your friend who is eager to start a trust, subscribe to get updated.
