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Hello & Welcome, This is your “APPLY IAS”, Sounds like you felt some things you start seeing differences in your surrounding see all around you there were so many people were speaking about different things and you are travelling to different places within India without any restrictions. Please if you are not familiar with the parts of the constitution please visit my previous post “CONSTITUTION OF INDIA (AN INTRO)”.

 Let's consider one day you met with a big gigantic figure is blocking you not to go anywhere and you need to stand in the same place till your life ends with your mouth shut. What you would do, you think that’s the terrible day that I ever had in my life right. To avoid these kinds of restriction and make its citizen to give freedom out the India Constitution had given some of the provision to ensure the “ Fundamental Rights” of its citizen.

This Part in the constitution contains the following article
Article 12: “Defenition of States”
Article 13: “Violation becomes void”
Right to Constitutional Remedies( Article 31).

Article 12: “Defenition of States”

Let's say you have given the Right to move freely to anyplace you want, so you are now thinking you can now to “US” to visit the statue of Liberty. Nope, all the laws will be applicable only within the State i.e the Territory of India. Hence the constitution defines the State as,
Government and Parliament of India
Government and Legislation of States
All Local authorities (Municipalities, Panchayats, District boards & Improvement Trusts)
All other authorities( SAIL, ONGC etc..)

Article 13: “Violation becomes void”

This article deals with If any laws made by the Parliament that violates the Fundamental Rights will be reviewed under Judicial(Court) Review and shall be Void(“wrong or has no Power”).

The Fundamental Right is one of the gemstones in the constitution and it has more and more important because it regulates the social behaviour and the Phycological well being of its citizen. So if anyone threatens you not to speak or restricts to go to a place apply these laws but be aware of is the law can be applied in that place. The above is just a piece of fundamental. The more important is
yet to come in the next articles. Share your views in the comment section below and subscribe to stay updated.
