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Hello & Welcome, This is your APPLY IAS,  This Part of the constitution is what I am going to refer it as the “The boundary Maker”. Why I am just calling it so because this part defines the boundaries or territory of India. Under this part, it has 4 Article.

Article 1 - Territory of INDIA
Article 2 - Powers are given to the Parliament in the formation of the new states
Article 3 – Formation or changes of the existing states within the territory of India
Article 4 – Article 2&3 doesn’t consider as an amendment.

All Right, I think you are familiar with the parts of the constitution I think so, If not please go and see them In my previous post for a better understanding of this article.

Article 1:

This article deals with the territory of India, I would say this article as the binder of India, why I am saying this is because this article empowers India to get it's attached to it. It describes India as “Union of states”. That is India is formed by the combination of states and once a state became a part of India it can’t depart from India. Thus it describes India as “Indestructible Union of Destructible State”. But in America, it is federation where the state exists from the Unites state at any time they want that's why it is called "Federation". Hence India is known to be "Quazi Federal".
It has three subdivision:

1.1Territory of the state( Ex: Himachal Pradesh)( The states in the First schedule of the constitution)

1.2Union Territory( Ex: Lakshwadeep) ( The states in the First schedule of the constitution)

1.3Territories Acquired by India(This kind of states can be acquired by cession (as a gift) or by occupation).

Article 2:

 It deals gives the Power to the parliament in the formation of the new states. The Parliament has the power to alter any of the boundaries of the states but it needs to be approved by the president with may or may not the reference of the respective state assembly. But the President’s decision is the final.

Article 3:

 This article express in what discipline the parliament can alter the state,
3.1 Can be able to form a new state by merging the states of by separate a single state into many
3.2 Decrease the area of the state
3.3 Can increase the area of the state
3.4 Can be able to change the boundaries of the state
3.5 Can rename the name of the state.

Article 4 :

 This article describes that the formation of the states under article 2&3 were not amendments hence they can be passed in the parliament with the simple majority(Can be passed with 50% of votes present in the parliament at the day of passing the bill).

The real incidents:

  I think you were all aware of the incident Telangana separated from Karnataka. In a common man’s perspective, it is just a splitting of state like drawing a line over the political map of India. But for Telangana people(Previously Karnataka people) it’s a jewel on their history. Let we consider you are time travelling back to 1996, 1972 & 2009 to Hyderabad. In all these years you can see the streets of Hyderabad filled with smoke and blood over the floors all these were because of the rebellion for individual statehood for the Telangana state. Due to that impact the Government just passed the formation of Telangana state on December 3, 2009, and its all settled down bill was introduced in the parliament without any opposition in 30 July, 2013 and it is ratified(approved) by the President in February 2014 and officially the Telangana state is officially formed in 2 June, 2014. So if a new state needs to be formed a bill need be passed by the cabinet on its own or under the request of the President or the State assembly of the state then it needs to be passed on by the Parliament and approved by the government. Now, you are all familiar with the formation of a new state. If you are reading this do me a favour if someone asks you to start a rebellion to form a new state tell them about this provision and keep your rebellion in a peaceful manner there is also a provision in the constitution where you can assemble peacefully in a group without any weapons to express your motto. Please Don’t let another rebellion take away the lives of the children and the Innocent Citizen. Share it, If you like to save the life of Innocents. Subscribe to get updated
