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Special Category Status(It's Special Yarr)

Source: Shutterstock
Everybody likes to be special in some kind of aspect, that's not different for the state of India, Especially, Recently Andhra Pradesh is asking for Special Category Status in the centre to manage their financial Dept. You may get confused and question me how a Special Category Status may solve the financial debt of the state. Obviously yes, it's going to. Before that, you need to be clear the difference between the Special Category Status and  Special Status.

A Special Status only describes the Political and Legislative power to the state which acquires it, for example: "Jammu and Kashmir" which has its own legislative framework. On the other hand, if you take the Special Category status it like dealing with the Economic and financial aid from the central government. Under the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization act 2014, the UPA government at power during the period, Promises to give a five year special status category under the article 371 D&E of the Constitution of India for Andhra Pradesh but now Andhra Pradesh what a full-time Special Category Status since because Hyderabad has been made the capital of the Telangana, Andhrapradesh suffer from a huge revenue loss.

But the Special Status Category has some certain Criteria like,
Source : Newsclick

  • The State that experiencing the Resource Crunch
  • Low Per Capita Income
  • Low-Density Population or a considerable share of tribal population
  • Non-Viable nature of the State Finance
  • Strategic Location along the border of the neighbouring country
  • Hilly and Difficult terrain.


  • There were various benefits for the Special Category Status like,
  • They are exempted from the customs duty, excise duty, corporate taxes etc,.
  • In the Annual budget of India first 30% of the money need to be spent for the Special Category Status States.
  • And the State will get all the central government scheme funds as 90% grants(no need to pay back) and 10% as a loan with 0% Interest Rate. 
  • Due to these tax benefits, it attracts more investments into the State hence its development.

Presently the following states were given the special category States by our Sub-Continent,

Source: Wikipedia
  • Meghalaya
  • Tripura
  • Mizoram
  • Manipur
  • Nagaland
  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • Assam
  • Sikkim
  • Uttrakhand  
  • Himachal Pradesh
  • Jammu and Kashmir.
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