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FRUIT BAT , source : pinrest
Oh, Wow Viruses what a wonderful word with lots of wonders. I think you are now scolding me because I am praising the viruses. But actually, Viruses were smarter than you think and especially the way they survive. But their way of survival is not good for living beings. Viruses actually non -living outside but when they enter into a Living body, it will start its magic. It becomes living and starts to manipulate(multiple). Usually, the Viruses will have RNA in some cases it will be DNA. These viruses will be inactive. But when they enter into a human or any other living being it becomes active. In a battle, your winning stand will be double if you know how to use your enemy’s power against him. Viruses were well with this strategy. Once they enter into a living being (Host), they will inject their nucleic data i.e. RNA or DNA into the cell of the Host. Now the Host cell gets converted into the virus-cell and it again does the same. This process continues until the end of the last living cell of the host. So, affect all cell types, some are specific like the Hepatic virus that attacks the Hepatitis (Liver) first. Our Nipha Virus is kind of virus that actually first discovered in Austrasia (Parts between the Australia and Newzland). They also have seen in Malaysia, Bangladesh and India. In India, the state of Kerala is terrifically attacked by this virus which leads to the death of 17 members in 2018. Again, it affected one youngster in Kerala in June 2019 who is struggling for life.
NIPHA VIRUS , source; India today

 Cause factor of the Nipha Virus:
  • Mega Bats or Fruit bats 
  • Bat Bitten fruit
  • Affected Pigs
  • Virus affected  plam  tobby 

About the Mega Bats:

There were so many varieties of bats and among them those were big were known to be Megabats. The Fruit Bat that causes the Nipha Viral Infection is a Mega Bats. These bats don’t use Ultrasonic path of vision Instead they have bigger eyes to see the objects before them. They were also Known to be Fox bats since their face resembles like a fox. These bats were very prevalent in Australia, Newzland, Southasia and some parts of East Africa. They feed on the Fruits and these bats act as a Virus hub if Nipha Virus. They are very slow in reproduction Since they are mammals they give birth to it's young once after 4 to 6 months of pregnancy. 

Symptoms of Nipha Virus:
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty in Breathing 
  • The person affected by Nipha virus will lose their conscious even to come in 24-48 hours which leads to Encephalitis(4).

There is no vaccine that is found up to now for this Virus until now. And the best preventive measures are to prevent contact with the Fruit bats and the affected pigs and to avoid eating bat bitten fruit.

Nipha Virus Structure:

The Nipha Virus is so much Pleomorphic(3) in nature. They vary in size ranging from 40nm to 600nm in diameter. They have a protein capsule, which contains the RNA inside. The outer cell membrane of the Nipha virus has two types of spikes F & G. The G spikes helps in the attachment of the virus with the Host cell membrane usually Mammal and the F spikes are used to inject the nuclei material into the host cell.

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hcp said…
tamil version with more content of this article help lotsfor people
hcp said…
becoz translate not convey appropriate meaning of the article
Due to some time and financial Constraint we are using google translate for other versions. We are also planning to release the Tamil version once these constraints were out soon. Thanks for your comment hcp.